Monday, February 24, 2020

FCC Form 471 Instruction Guide FY2020

Hello Everyone, 

I have created an instruction guide for completion of the FCC Form 471. This has a few Category 1 examples specifically, but can give a good understanding for a Category 2 filing as well. Please let me know if you have any questions.

471 Guide: FCC Form 471 Instructional Guide

Let me know if there are any questions regarding the process or content. 


Friday, February 21, 2020

Deadline Reminder - FCC Form 470 Filing for FY2020

Hello Everyone, 

I want to remind everyone of the upcoming deadlines. The last possible day to file the FCC Form 470 for FY2020 is February 26, 2020. If possible, please do not wait until this day to file as there will not be any room for error if so. 

This deadline is based on the requirement of the FCC Form 470 must be posted for a minimum of 28 days before action can be made and file your FCC Form 471 in time before March 25, 2020 FCC Form 471 deadline. 

Funding Year 2020 Deadline Recap: 
FCC Form 470: February 26, 2020
FCC Form 471: March 25, 2020 

Please let me know if there are any questions that may come up. 

Thank you, 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

FCC Form 470 Completion Instructions FY2020

Hello Everyone,

I have created an instruction template for completion of the FCC Form 470. This example is for a Category 1 service, but can be used for Category 2 service as well as there are only a few differences.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

FCC Form 470 Diagram

Happy Filing!